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Submit a New Yard

If there is a yard you've been on that doesn't appear on this site yet, you can submit it for publication.

  1. Your review will form the base review for that yard, to which other people can then add comments and ratings.
  2. Horse Yard Review reserve the right edit your review (obvs) 🙂
  3. Your review will be anonymous - unless you specifically want to be named, in which case you need to let us know.

Your Yard Review

Please enter your email, so we can follow up with you.
Selected Value: 2
Rate this yard with 1 = bad and 5 = excellent.
Selected Value: 2
Selected Value: 2
Please number each good point, and please keep them short - there is a 200-word limit.
As above, please number each bad point, and please keep them short - there is a 200-word limit.
(optional) As above, please number each item, and please keep them short - there is a 200-word limit.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.
In uploading you agree that you have the rights to do so, and give Horse Yard Reviews the rights to use those pictures on this website and in the legitimate course of its business. MAXIMUM FILE SIZE IS 60MB for each image.
In submitting this form, you do solemnly swear that the review you have a given is for a yard that you have now or previously paid to be on. You also swear that you are not the owner of this yard. You also agree to the site's Terms & Conditions (inc Privacy Policy) that can be viewed from the link at the bottom of each page.